The appearance of the BMW M3 (movie-projects)
(as part of MOVIE-PROJECTS) Performing the animation of the appearance of the BMW M3 car, the photos were taken by Grzegorz Łaźniak.
The trailer is the most anticipated announcement of something bigger, such as a full movie, game, product or service. In this section you will see announcements created by our team.
(as part of MOVIE-PROJECTS) Performing the animation of the appearance of the BMW M3 car, the photos were taken by Grzegorz Łaźniak.
(as part of MOVIE-PROJECTS) A film presenting a series of Ford cars with Cosworth engines, the final effect below:
(within MOVIE-PROJECTS) Movie trailer with tricks on the bikes
(as part of MOVIE-PROJECTS) together with Grzegorz Łaźniak we came up with the idea of making a trailer for Live For Speed, here's the final effect:
(within MOVIE-PROJECTS) a movie from the VW rally in the Gdynia Sports and Recreation Center