7suns - social media
creating social media materials for the 7suns brand:
Compositing implementation in a given production. Compositing is working on image layers. Separating and combining them with the word, so that they form a coherent and aesthetic whole.
creating social media materials for the 7suns brand:
Production of a film presenting our AR technology (performed within VR VISIO GROUP SA)
Together with the Teraz Filmpolski team, i.e. with Bartosz Kowa, I co-created a spot for the Legalna Kultury competition. The assumption was a reference to the famous Cybulski - Polish iconic actor. I had a slight impact on the concept, I took pictures and film editing. The spot was performed by young actors from the actor's study at the Musical Theater. Danuta Baduszkowa.
Comprehensive production of the sponsorship billboard for OXIMO:
Making a simple sample of jewelry animation for a client from China. (as part of VR VISIO GROUP SA)
creating a series of cinemagraphs presented in social media by the Inky brand.
creating animations presenting the climate and Inky products for the purpose of presenting in social media and at the fair: SocialMedia: Targi:
In a few days I made the material presenting, upcoming titles from under VR VISIO GAMES. The material was sent to producers of VR goggles, among others we received "Ficzer" on Oculus and Steam stores.
We created a trailer for our RiftCoaster HD game. Once very popular on Oculus Rift DK2. It was even tested by Jacksepticeye
The film was made in one day, for the need to present VR VISIO GROUP SA projects to investors.