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Completed Projects
Production Species
In this category you will find films divided into particular genres / types of production
Sponsor Billboards
The shortest most often 8-second film forms, presenting the product and its producer, before the television program or sponsored event.
simple often "unpolished" film forms, which aim to convey mainly the merits of a given issue.
Movie 360
Also known as a spherical film or a VR movie. It is a film in which the viewer chooses the direction in which he looks. The creator, unlike traditional film, does not define the frame here. The material is more and more often found in social media.
These are documentary film forms whose main purpose is to convey a certain meritscopic issue.
Event movies
In this category you will find films (mainly in the form of short reports) from public events. Most often, they were made at the request of the producer of a given brand, or their organizers.
Jubilee movies
A film for the anniversary of the company or brand
Corporate Films
A film presenting the company, or business section of a given corporation. He often presents the mission and values of the brand. Often, it also shows how the company develops or how its product is made.
Product videos
A movie aimed at presenting or increasing the sale of a given product.
Promotional films
Films designed to promote the brand, service or product, as a rule, you will find forms here from a few, sometimes up to a dozen or so minutes.
Training Movies
Films created for the purpose of conducting trainings or presenting the given training.
Intro and Graphics
In this category you will find, created by us Openers, otherwise called headers or intros. In some cases, we had the opportunity to implement entire graphic design of television or internet programs.
Making Of
In this category, we usually meet films about the process of creating a given project from the portfolio
SocialMedia materials
This is a section where you can find projects aimed, among others, at SocialMedia - Social Media. Apply to order material for your brand as well.
Here you will find various types of presentations, that is films that aim at a slightly wider presentation of the operation of a certain service, product or company. If you like the following materials, order also for yourself - tel. 662 016 430 / e-mail:
Productions for the needs of Television
In this category you will find films that were made for the purposes of Television.
Longer forms, most often these are reportages from events.
Advertising spots
A short film form, which in a nutshell is supposed to show and advertise a product, brand, service or event.
The trailer is the most anticipated announcement of something bigger, such as a full movie, game, product or service. In this section you will see announcements created by our team.
Live broadcasts
These are materials whose form allows it to be displayed live on television or the Internet.
Video clips / Music videos
Videoclip - sometimes after the "village" it is also called the Music Video. You will find film productions created for music producers, "Labels", or bands. The video for me is film content created in such a way as to complement the musical layer in a unique way. How does it go? I hope that you will find out that you are getting better and better with us for a nice video clip because it's something that we like to do. If you think that you are doing a nice piece of music then do not hesitate to say how we like it, we will definitely get along :)
Comprehensive Production
In this section you will find films that were ordered to us comprehensively. Responsibility for the execution was 100% in our hands - check how we fulfilled
Pre-Production is the whole organization of the undertaking which is the film. This includes the execution of scenarios, storyboards, storyboards, castings or a schedule for filming. In this section you will find videos in which we were responsible for the whole process.
In the following projects, we were responsible or co-responsible for the concept of the whole. Often, for the following projects, we created a script with a script or Storyboard.
Production actually begins when we give our hands in greeting at the beginning of the first day of filming. It is during production that we make film shots, set the light, rearrange the stage design and, most importantly, we direct the scenes. We have the feeling of ending this stage when the camera finishes recording the last Shot. On our photo sets, the applause of the whole team is always heard. In this section you will find videos in which we were responsible for this part of the process.
supervision of special effects
Projects in which we supervised the correctness of the implementation of special photos on the set. It is a responsible role that allows you to save many hours of hard work by the graphics team at a later stage of post-production.
In the following projects, we directed. We took care of every actor's grimace. And we have realized the concept in the scenario as efficiently as possible.
film pictures
In the following projects we have made film photos. We try to understand first of all what is the purpose of a given shot. Then we proceed to the task.
Post-production is in other words all the activities that are performed on the film after the stage of shooting. Such as film editing, Color Grading, animations of all kinds - 2D and 3D. Compositing - that is, laying individual layers. Matte Painting, Morphing and other activities related to image processing. By visiting this category you will find productions in which we participated in the post-production stage. They say that in this we are the best :)
Everything that moves in the picture and is not real is usually animation. Yes, choosing the products from our portfolio we approached this department.
In this section you will find productions in which we were responsible (most often Ja;)) at least for two-dimensional animation. The software in which we create our animations has a function that we internally called 2.5D differently "two and a half de" - it means that some flat layers can be rotated in 3D space, but they are not different in shape than planes - that is, they are not 3D models, but about 3D animation will be in the next section;) - So here you will find 2D + 2,5D
Color Grading - Colored Coloring
Performing color correction of shots in a given production.
Compositing implementation in a given production. Compositing is working on image layers. Separating and combining them with the word, so that they form a coherent and aesthetic whole.
Assembly is probably one of the most frequently performed services by us. This is because we are simply good at it! We saved the projects not once on assembly. More than once, we have been editing TV programs. Check how much you can find on our website:
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Cultural Program
Leader for the "Kultura" program, TeleTop issue
21 years
6 years
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