Advertise Watch Divers Dakar Watch

(as part of OPEN-PRODUCTIONS) Taking pictures of the watch -detali. Execution of assembly from the materials and effects provided. Order for the Diverse chain of stores. Spot advertised a limited edition of the Diverse Dakar Watch Spot watches appeared on plasma in company stores. OP1 customer

Film Promo Kennol F1 [Viper]

editing a movie from the propagated materials promoting the Democars from the Kennol F1 company from France. The film features: Dodge Viper and Dodge RAM with a Viper engine. We were able to obtain the order thanks to the activities of the MOVIE-PROJECTS website

Film promo Kennol F1

editing of a promotional film from the materials provided, aimed at presenting two Racing teams of the French company Kennol F1 - Team Ferrari (550 Maranello), and Aston Marin (DBR9). We were able to obtain the order thanks to the activities of the MOVIE-PROJECTS website

Chronicle of the 31st Polish Feature Film Festival

(as part of OPEN-PRODUCTIONS) Marcin Borhardt and Jurek Rados came before the festival of feature films to edit the chronicles. Each episode was mounted on the same day as the photos taken. On a regular basis, the relation from the previous day was broadcast in the Musical Theater before the main screening, so for creation, that is recording, making music, editing Read more...
